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Residential Window Cleaning

January 8, 2022

Residential Window Cleaning: All You Need to Know

Window cleaning is a task that most people would rather not do. But it’s a necessary evil, especially if you want your home to look its best. Here’s all you need to know about residential window cleaning – the tools you’ll need, the best ways to clean them, and more!

The first step in window cleaning is to gather your supplies. You’ll need a bucket, a sponge or cloth, a squeegee, and some soap. Fill your bucket with warm water and add a little bit of soap.

Next, wet your sponge or cloth and start washing the outside of the window. Be sure to use circular motions and avoid going back and forth, which can streak the glass. Once you’ve washed the entire window, use your squeegee to remove the water. Start at the top of the window and move down in even strokes.

If you have any tough stains or spots that won’t come off with soap and water, you can try using a vinegar solution. Just mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spritz it on the areas that need cleaning. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth.

Once you’ve cleaned the outside of the window, move inside and repeat the process. For best results, clean your windows on a cloudy day so that the sun doesn’t dry the cleaner before you have a chance to wipe it away.

With a little bit of elbow grease, you can have sparkling clean windows in no time! Just follow these simple tips and you’ll be on your way to a streak-free shine.

Benefits of residential window cleaning

Window cleaning is an important task that many homeowners often overlook. But there are a number of benefits to keeping your windows clean both inside and out. Some of the benefits of residential window cleaning include:

  1. Improved visibility: One of the most obvious benefits of cleaning your windows is that you’ll be able to see through them better. Dirty windows can obscure your view and make it difficult to see outside.
  2. Increased light: Cleaned windows let in more natural light, which can brighten up your home and make it feel warmer.
  3. Reduced energy costs: Windows that are dirty can cause your home to become drafty, which leads to higher energy bills. Cleaning your windows will help seal in the heat or air conditioning and reduce your energy costs.
  4. Enhanced curb appeal: If you’re selling your home, potential buyers will be more impressed by a clean and well-maintained property. Clean windows are one small detail that can make a big impression.
  5. Improved safety: Windows that are covered in dirt and grime can obscure your view, which can be dangerous when you’re driving or walking near your home.

So if you’re looking for some reasons to add window cleaning to your to-do list, these are a few good ones! Not only will it make your home look and feel better, but it can also save you money on energy costs in the long run.

Brandon’s Window Cleaning

(909) 325-3087

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